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Monday, September 27, 2010

Vertical increse by six inches in 10 minutes

Took a page from book of Jones, and found a rush of strength the sent me hopping up like the old days. Gravity and old age has been a reality as of the past year or five. No two days alike. Nevertheless, I went on to the applied strength blog and was inspired to give the workout a try.

It went like this:

joint Mobilty, corrections for my issues ASLR, Brettzel and some t-spine mobility

16 kg for me

1 Turkish Get Up (right)+ 20 snatches / start in the up position, swing switch

1 TGU (left)+ 20 snatches

1 TGU rt + 15

1 TGU lt +15

1 TGU rt + 10

1 TGU lt + 10

1 TGU rt + 5

1 TGU lt + 5

these felt so good, I felt 25 lbs lighter (Normal 210lbs.)

Decided to check verticle and couldn't believe it but I could touch 10'6 at 6'2 and 49 years old was feeling very young. At least a 6" increase from the beginning of the workout.

Had to finish the rest of the routine which was another combination of Goblet squats reverse ladder 10-1 + 10 alternating swings. No need to write it out, just feel the burn, and was with the punny 16kg. Thanks for the workout Brett!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back on track

Today is the start of a new phase rejuvinated from a spell of bad luck with what I am now calling the silver lining to a dark cloud that infested my facility and is now gone. That can be so demoralizing and hard on a psychy, which took the wind completely out of my sail. I have to admit it is ultimatly on me for making a bad decision with is summed up by one of those life lessons which you never can expect when they will happen, you can only learn from.

Tuesday: 9/14/2010

Joint mobility, arm bars, brettzel

20kg TGU ladder 3+3,2+2,1+1
20kg Tall Kneeling clean withpresses mixed in 3 cleans+5 presses L/R
TRX pistols 3+3
20kg same sequence in half kneeling from the up leg
TRX pistols 3+3
20 kg ditto from the down leg

these felt great and will persue them in the future

16 kg vo2 max protocol 30sets 15/15 x7
needed to blow off some steam and start off a new beginning with a little vo2 which I must say , I am looking forward to sticking with.